From Coulter
Coulter has outstanding videos for college preparation, learning manners and business techniques for individuals on the autism spectrum.
Phone: 336.794.0298
Email: [email protected]
Manners for the Real World reviewed in On The Spectrum:
Manners for the Real World is an informative video about appropriate manners and behaviors in various social settings for upper-elementary, middle, and high-school students. Using a combination of humor and straightforward instruction, it shows teens and adults acting out situations while a narrator offers clear, concise rules pertaining to socially appropriate behaviors. This 40-minute video shows several examples of common social situations and provides clear rules for appropriate behaviors within these settings. Topics include: personal hygiene, conversations, introductions, electronic communication, table manners, and several more. Each situation is acted out using life-like role-play. In the film the actors use the correct, and at times incorrect, social behaviors, social behaviors and manners.
Natural consequences of using appropriate and inappropriate behaviors are clearly presented. At the end of each segment, a recapitulation of the rules is printed at the bottom of the screen. The video is structured in such a way that viewers can watch the entire video or only certain segments, if desired, making it ideal for teaching.
This is a must-see for all students, including students with high-functioning autism and Asperger Syndrome for whom social competence, including manners are particularly challenging. This video is appropriate for pre-teens and teens “as-is”; a younger audience may need more explanation of the material covered.
This is a great teaching tool that can be used by parents and teachers. In Manners for the Real World, Coulter Video has created another excellent videotape that is a highly motivating instructional tool. As with all other Coulter videos, it is a very affordable product, costing $30 plus S&H.
Your Next Patient Has Autism…
“Your Next Patient Has Autism” is a website featuring a downloadable trifold brochure developed for the many health professionals – nurses, physicians, technicians, and others – who provide services for children on the autistic spectrum. It is especially designed for those who only occasionally treat this population. Physical assessment, diagnostic imaging, and a variety of other interventions – both invasive and “non-invasive” – may induce extreme fear and anxiety in autistic children. Their behavioral responses to such experiences often interfere with needed care, and increase the risk of physical and/or psychic trauma. “Your Next Patient Has Autism” provides caregivers with a brief synopsis of autism together with specific recommendations for managing the special needs of these patients in the context of in-patient or out-patient healthcare.
feel free to copy this brochure and share it with your
health care providers. We thank the NS-LIJ Health System
for their generosity in allowing us to link our websites
and for their work on behalf of individuals on the autism
Booklet on Autism, Epilepsy & Seizures
With thanks to the Daniel J. Fiddle Foundation for their booklet, Autism, Epilepsy & Seizures: How to Recognize the Signs and Basic First Aids When You Do
from A to Z (SPANISH)
For the first time in the United States, an autism specialist
who speaks
fluent Spanish has published a book, Los Trastornos
del Espectro de Autismo de la A a la Z in Spanish. This
book is a wonderful resource for
Spanish-speaking families who have not had access to
the information they need and for agencies and organizations
that work with special needs families.
Emily Doyle Iland is the mother of three children, one
of whom has autism. She co-authored Autism
Spectrum Disorders from A to Z with her sister,
Barbara T. Doyle, a professional educator in the field
of autism for more than thirty years. [email protected]
Description of Item
Brenda Smith Myles,
during her excellent and informative full-day presentation
at our conference, recommended a product that she feels
works well with children or adults on the spectrum.
It is called the Time Timer. This visual device help
to solve time perception problems at all ages and ability
levels and can be used for Timed Activities, Time Out,
and in visually explaining the time left for activities
such as play, getting ready for school, cleaning up
or when to be ready to leave.
The clock comes in two sizes and all costs include shipping.
(TT#1) 8″ Time Timer – $25
(TT#2) 12″ Time Timer – $30
(TT#3) 60 second Time Timer – $35
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 1-877-771-TIME
Fax: 513-561-4699
Autism & Law Enforcement Roll Call Briefing Video
ground-breaking 21-minute video features 15 children
and adults at various points on the autism spectrum,
an actor who has autism, actual 911 calls, and reflects
American diversity. It has the look and feel of TV news,
uses real life events to punctuate these issues, and
on-the-job officers to deliver the message. The use
of state-of-the-art editing and graphics, a creative
and informative script, and action makes this video
and 8-page handout the perfect autism training tool
for law enforcement.
To view video clips and further information visit:
Debbaudt’s: Autism Risk & Safety Management
Description of Item
Icons are a tool for organizing the world of non-readers and other visual learners. Concrete, visually engaging, and customizable, they can be used to develop and reinforce important cognitive and communication skills, such as routines, how to manage challenging transitions, emotions and much more.
The icons were developed by Jill Lehman who has been a researcher in the cognitive and computer sciences for 20 years, studying and building computer models of human language processing and cognitive architecture in children with autism and their typically-developing peers.
Ordering Information
$79.00 + shipping and handling
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (412) 521-8552
Description of Item
Doto Learn is a web site for those with special learning needs. This site provides information and special visual learning tools for anyone having difficulty understanding, ordering and functioning in this world. They have planned activities to help children and adults with diagnosed disorders such as autism, LD or ADD. These activities may also benefit anyone learning basic language and daily living skills, including young children. The site is designed to allow those with special needs to Do activities in a safe, planned way and To Learn at their own pace.
Ordering Information
There is nothing to order. Just go to this site and learn how ToDO.
Description of Item
Kay Stammers, a parent of a child with autism, has put together a website that with a selection of pictures, symbols and links to other resources on the Internet. These resources can help you set up visual boards for learning activities for school or daily living.
Ordering Information
Description of Item
Useful for school and home. Good for any professionals or individuals you wish to understand more fully the entire spectrum and all the implications of behaviors. Although the word Asperger Syndrome is used the producers have added wording to the packaging acknowledging that the information is applicable for HFA, AS and PDD.
Ordering Information
Cost: $89.98
For further information
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (630) 357-0696
Description of Videos
Ask Me About Asperger Syndrome
Professionals and Parents describe the impairments that typically affect students with Asperger Syndrome and offer practical suggestions and techniques for working with these children.
Interviews include 2 Psychologists, SLP, OT, Classroom Teacher, and author, Dr. Liane Holliday Willey, as well as parents of both Elementary and Jr. High age children.
Asperger Syndrome-Crossing The Bridge
An interview with Dr. Tony Attwood and Dr. Liane Willey (Dr. Willey is diagnosed with AS and has a youngster diagnosed with AS) Crossing the Bridge presents Asperger Syndrome through the eyes of Dr. Liane Holliday Willey, an adult diagnosed with the disorder. Dr. Tony Attwood, one of the leading experts in the field, interviews Liane as they discuss her lifetime experiences, struggles, and triumphs with Asperger Syndrome. Together, Attwood and Willey make it clear that those diagnosed as “Aspies” are not defective individuals but rather different thinkers who have many wonderful traits to share with humanity.
Social Language Groups
Speech & Language Pathologist, Sally Bligh, has developed a successful method for teaching peer communication skills to children with social interaction difficulties. In this video, she describes the role of the Speech Therapist, explains the use of Social Language Groups, and demonstrates how to facilitate the group sessions. Speech Therapists, Social Workers, Psychologists, teachers, and parents will find this video to be an extremely valuable resource for working with children diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, High-Functioning Autism, Nonverbal Learning Disability, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder.
A Video from Coulter Video
This video provides proven tips and techniques to help make mainstreaming a child with Asperger Syndrome* a positive learning experience for him or her — AND for teachers and classmates. You’ll see interviews with parents, regular and special education teachers, a psychologist, an instructional aide and a case manager/social worker — all describing specific steps that have worked for them in guiding and teaching children with AS. Length – 44 minutes.
Because of the many similarities between Asperger Syndrome, High Functioning Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorder-NOS and Nonverbal Learning Disabilities, many of the strategies described in this program should also work well in teaching children who are diagnosed with these conditions.
Ordering Information
$40.00 plus Shipping and Handling
This can be ordered by mail or online
(there is a printable order form at or it can be ordered directly at the site.)
Other Recommendations from Dr. Brenda Smith Myles
Teaching Effective Classroom Routines. Classroom Coaches. Joe Witt
(303) 651-2829
The Intelli-Gear by Mead