The Office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Services (ACCES), an office of the New York State Education Department, each year offers thousands of New Yorkers who have a disability, an opportunity to become independent through education, training and employment. We provide vocational rehabilitation services to eligible individuals to prepare them for suitable jobs. These jobs might be in the competitive work force, in self-owned businesses, in supported employment on employer sites, or in sheltered workshops. We can also help people with disabilities who are having difficulty keeping their jobs. ACCES can also help you live as independently as possible by referring you to a local Independent Living Center.
NYS Document: Transition Services: A Planning and Implementation Guide
NICHCY transition ‘suite’ of information:
A-Z topics to T to Transition Suite:
- Transition 101
- Transition for Parents
- Transition for Students
- Transition for Professionals
- Transition for Specific Disabilities, including autism
Student Advocacy Handbook:
The Student Exit Summary:
The Devereux Glenholme Glen Ridge Post-Secondary Program
Washington, CT,, 860-868-7377
Glen Ridge is a comprehensive living and learning program that allows for young adults, ages 17 21, to attend college in pursuit of a higher education while residing in a supportive environment. The program incorporates educational supports for college life and academics, job coaching, a relationship building curriculum, and social development opportunities which fosters an independent lifestyle.