Author name: ahany


Should You Explain the Diagnosis to the Child? 22 Jul 2015 |Comments are Off by Tony Attwood, Ph.D. The immediate answer is yes. Clinical experience indicates that it is extremely important that the diagnosis is explained as soon as possible and preferably before inappropriate compensatory mechanisms are developed. The child is then more likely to

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Should You Explain the Diagnosis to the Child? 22 Jul 2015 |Comments are Off by Tony Attwood, Ph.D. The immediate answer is yes. Clinical experience indicates that it is extremely important that the diagnosis is explained as soon as possible and preferably before inappropriate compensatory mechanisms are developed. The child is then more likely to

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Should You Explain the Diagnosis to the Child? 22 Jul 2015 |Comments are Off by Tony Attwood, Ph.D. The immediate answer is yes. Clinical experience indicates that it is extremely important that the diagnosis is explained as soon as possible and preferably before inappropriate compensatory mechanisms are developed. The child is then more likely to

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Should You Explain the Diagnosis to the Child? 22 Jul 2015 |Comments are Off by Tony Attwood, Ph.D. The immediate answer is yes. Clinical experience indicates that it is extremely important that the diagnosis is explained as soon as possible and preferably before inappropriate compensatory mechanisms are developed. The child is then more likely to

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Should You Explain the Diagnosis to the Child? 22 Jul 2015 |Comments are Off by Tony Attwood, Ph.D. The immediate answer is yes. Clinical experience indicates that it is extremely important that the diagnosis is explained as soon as possible and preferably before inappropriate compensatory mechanisms are developed. The child is then more likely to

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Should You Explain the Diagnosis to the Child? 22 Jul 2015 |Comments are Off by Tony Attwood, Ph.D. The immediate answer is yes. Clinical experience indicates that it is extremely important that the diagnosis is explained as soon as possible and preferably before inappropriate compensatory mechanisms are developed. The child is then more likely to

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Posts Tagged ‘NCSH’

Posts Tagged ‘NCSH’ The Biggest First Day of School Ever! Tuesday, September 27th, 2011 Fall 2012 – New clothes? check. New school supplies? check. What about a whole new school? Take out your pencils, because we’re going to need a BIG check! The Neighborhood Charter School of Harlem (NCSH) will have its GRAND OPENING next

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Photo Outtakes

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