AHA’s Sibling Group — Sibshops™:
AHA is excited to announce the continuation of our Sibshop program for brothers and sisters of individuals on the autism spectrum on Long Island in Brentwood and at AHA at Spectrum Services in New York City.
We are pleased to offer the winter session of Sibshops™ one time monthly with trained Sibshop facilitator Nancy Weiss and educator Angela Loomis on Long Island (see bios below).
NEW! We are excited to announce that a new group will be starting in New York City at AHA’s offices at Spectrum Services with trained Sibshop facilitator Nancy Weiss and our good friend and talented Speech/Language pathologist Stacey Kanin Roth (bio below).
Winter Semester:
Sundays at YAI in Brentwood
555 Washington Avenue
Brentwood, Long Island, New York, NY
Time: 11:00 am – 1:00pm
Ages: 8-12+ years old
Sunday Dates 2014:
January | 12 |
February | 9 |
March | 9 |
April | 6 |
May | 4 (snow date) |
Fridays at AHA at Spectrum Services in NYC
303 Fifth Avenue (Suite 1003), 10th Floor, between 31-32 St.
New York, NY 10016
Time: 4:30pm – 6:00pm
Ages: 8-12+ years old
Friday Dates 2014:
January | 31 |
February | 28 |
March | 28 |
April | 25 |
Contact: | [email protected] to register (see below for forms) |
Fee: | Series of 4 sessions: $150 (a $50 savings)
Sign up for series of 4 sessions. This must be completed by January 9th online or mailing information before. Single session: (based on availability) $50 due one week prior. |
Payment: | Mail a check made out to AHA Association to: |
AHA Association | |
PO Box 916 | |
Bethpage, NY 11714 or |
PAY ONLINE – Click Here.
Register & Release Forms: To register please complete the three (3) attached PDF forms and when completed mail, email,scan ([email protected]) or fax to 888.918.9198:
If you have further questions email us and someone from our office will be in contact with you.
Peer Mentors: If you would like to volunteer to be a peer mentor during our sessions please contact us at [email protected] with ‘Peer Mentor – Sibshop” in the subject heading and include your name, email address and phone number and which group you would like to volunteer for. We will contact you.
Nancy Weiss is a New York State licensed speech pathologist who has been practicing for over 20 years. Ms. Weiss received a Master of Science Degree in Speech Pathology from Boston University in 1984. Areas of expertise include: assessment and treatment of speech, language and communication disorders and social skills training. Ms. Weiss was trained by Donald Meyers in 2008 and is a first generation Sibshop facilitator.
Angela Loomis is a New York State certified teacher of Special Education and Early Childhood Education. Ms. Loomis holds over 15 years of experience workingwith students with special needs, including learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and developmental delays. She holds a keen interest in executive functioning deficits and is certified as an educational therapist.
Stacey Roth is a New York State licensed and certified speech language pathologist. Ms. Roth has assessed and treated individuals with communication disorders in clinics and schools for over 5 years. She has a keen interest in High-Functioning Autism, Asperger Syndrome, and pragmatic language.
Frequently Asked Questions about Sibshop Events
- What is a Sibshop? Sibshops seek to provide siblings with opportunities for peer support within a lively, recreational context that emphasizes a kids’-eye view. The Sibshop model intersperses information and discussion activities with new games (designed to be unique, offbeat, and appealing to a wide ability range), cooking and craft activities.
- How are they different from sibling support groups? First, a Sibshop is not therapy although their effect may be therapeutic for some children. They are a fun, recreational program where peers are able to have fun, share ideas and support each other.
- Can anyone run a Sibshop? No. Sibshops are led by first generation trained facilitators who have been trained directly by Don Meyer. Don Meyer runs two day workshops throughout the world training various professionals, including by not limited to social workers; special education teachers; physical, occupational, and speech therapists) and adult siblings of people with special needs. He has been running these programs for over 25 years.
- What are the goals of the Sibshop?
- To provide brothers and sisters of children with special needs an opportunity to meet other siblings in a relaxed, recreational setting,
- To provide opportunities to discuss common joys and concerns with other siblings of children with special need.
- To provide the opportunity to learn how others handle situations commonly experienced by siblings of children with special needs,
- To provide an opportunity to learn more about the implications of their brother’s and sister’s special needs and
- To provide opportunities to learn more about the concerns and opportunities frequently experienced by brothers and sisters of people with special needs.